A Comprehensive Guide to Short Selling of Shares in the Indian Stock Market Short selling of shares is a unique trading strategy that allows investors to profit from the declining price of a stock. While it can be a valuable tool, it comes with inherent risks and...
Ram Singh
How a IPO price is decided
List of contents What is IPO ? IPO is small form of "Initial Public Offer " and it is the initial offer by any coming to retail investors to apply bedding for thier IPO. IPO method used by componies to collecting of money from ratail stock market. IPO or...
How to Invest in IPO with Upstox
How To Apply For An online IPO With Upstox IPO means Initial Public Offering means any company looking for business expand financial requirements, company offer initial public and get listed for the open market. It is when the share of a company is listed on a stock...
Must Read FAQ for Indian Stock Investors
Must read the faq for Indian stock investors (newbie) Investing in stocks can be a challenge if you are not aware of the markets. However, it is also not true that you would need a first-class degree in finance to be an investor or trader. There are certain things...
Mutual Fund
MUTUAL FUNDS, (TOP FUNDS FOR FOR 2020) If you are one of those investors who want to invest in the markets but does not have clear information about investing, a mutual fund is the best option for you. There are various advantages of mutual funds as compared to direct...
Demate Account
Demat Account With the share prices soaring high this season, the Demat accounts are much in demand. But before you start investing, you need to know and understand the basics of a Demat account and its aspects to properly use it. When the share trading in India was...